The Jamaica Public Service Company (JPS) embarked on a Smart Grid Program in 2015 that included the installation of smart meters. However, an audit of 82,000 smart meters in 2020 revealed that the benefits of smart metering were not being fully realized. Data captured by smart meters were showing irregular patterns of low energy consumption with high energy loss. Furthermore, JPS was paying customer breach penalties due to exceeding the regulated maximum of 2 consecutive customer bills based on estimates.
Lumen was selected by United States Energy Association (USEA) to lead a strategic and high impact Lean Six Sigma Performance Improvement Project at JPS with the objective of developing capacity while delivering tangible results. The project scope included installing and activating approximately 65,500 Residential and Commercial customer smart meters in KSA. South, Lucea, St. Ann, and Westmoreland; installing and activating approximately 3,500 transformer meters across the Western End of the Island; conducting meter mapping across the Western End of the Island; and ensuring data integrity and full “smart” functionality of meters at completion of installation.
The project team developed a lean meter installation process that reflected the needs of “Smart Meters” and data integrity of Customer Meter to Transformer Meter Mapping in GIS. They also instituted a data management and verification process to ensure data integrity as well as connectivity. Additionally, they identified and addressed root causes in the Smart Meter Installation Process including Supply Chain, Data Mapping, Data Transfer and Meter Testing. Finally, they instituted process controls addressing leading indicators such as delayed or late purchase orders that would result in late meter delivery and late installation.
As a result of the project, JPS was able to improve the meter installation process and ensure data integrity. The project also resulted in cost savings for JPS.
The project was a success and Lumen was able to deliver tangible results for JPS. The project team developed a lean meter installation process that reflected the needs of “Smart Meters” and data integrity of Customer Meter to Transformer Meter Mapping in GIS. They also instituted a data management and verification process to ensure data integrity as well as connectivity. Additionally, they identified and addressed root causes in the Smart Meter Installation Process including Supply Chain, Data Mapping, Data Transfer and Meter Testing. Finally, they instituted process controls addressing leading indicators such as delayed or late purchase orders that would result in late meter delivery and late installation.